Vision manages past, present and future evolution of market position, including size, growth, price, cost and margin. Past, present and future values are set to cover a 5 year horizon.
The present (n) is derived from the information input to the Photo which compares the total market (sum of all suppliers and customers) and your company (Supplier 1).
Create Vision
Select the Vision tab
All required fields are identified, and calculated fields are dynamically updated.
Vision holds 3 sections:
Market size and Market growth
Market price
Market cost
Market size and Market Growth
Market Price
Prices are expressed in unit of measure (UOM) and currency, selected while creating the Strategic Planning scope.
Market Cost
Costs are expressed in unit of measure (UOM) and currency, selected while creating the Strategic Planning scope.
Market Margin
Margins are expressed in the currency selected while creating the Strategic Planning scope.
Standard Fields
Following are the list of Enable Growth standard fields available in the Strategic Planner Vision:
Field Name |
Description |
Data type |
Maximum Limit |
Total Market |
Specify the annual revenue of the account. |
Numeric |
Integers(10) |
Market Growth Rate |
% |
Percentage |
- |
Your Company Market |
Numeric |
Integers(10) |
Your Company Market Share |
Percentage |
- |
Market Price |
Currency |
- |
Your Company Price |
Currency |
- |
Market Cost |
Currency |
- |